Friday, November 22, 2013

Facebook Ad Audiences

Facebook introduces the Ad Audiences, a new feature to engage your offline audience with your Facebook fun page.

Offline Audience

Offline Audience is your audience that is not necessarily liking your page and was gathered with means, other than facebook e.g. mailchimp, coupons, hard copy forms etc.
Facebook can relate this audience if you upload those data that could contain 
  1. Emails
  2. Facebook user ids
  3. Phone numbers
  4. Mobile advertiser ids
You can create as many audiences as you like here:

Whats next?

You can use your custom audiences in every ad you make or you can create an audience while creating a new ad. You can use custom audiences to include or even exclude this audience for your campaign.


Create many different audiences that are meaningful to you. There is no limit of how many audiences you can create. Your Custom Audiences should have at least 1000 people to help ensure meaningful reach with your ads.

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